Thursday 19 March 2015

Leaving Cardiff by Daniel Abse

Leaving Cardiff by Daniel Abse
The poem shows a sense of belonging and change as Abse describes his feelings towards Cardiff, which is his home and identity.
                                                  'Docks derelictions'                                       
Within the first stanza, we see the use of an alliteration from the phrase 'docks derelictions' which creates the image of emptiness and isolation. This could also be interpreted as his feelings towards leaving the place, he feels alone and in ruins. In this stanza, the use of the words 'I wait' and 'I prepare' suggest hesitation and reluctance, the fact that he waits in the 'evening air' implies that the poet must start a new chapter in his life,  and move away from Cardiff.
                                             'Slack hammocks of waves below'
The description of the waves being 'slack' as 'hammonds' could be interpreted as a metaphor for looking at life and the future. This phrase connotes calm and peacefulness which could suggest the life Abse has had at Cardiff, or it could suggest that the poets future will consist of peace now that he is moving.
                                               'My eyes, like spaces, fill'
The third stanza shows emotion as the poet has to leave his childhood and memories behind. His 'eyes, like spaces, fill, and the knots of water flow' suggesting that this is a life changing decision and a significant change which has taken a great amount of consideration
                                'Not for one second, I know, can I be the same man twice'
In the fourth stanza, a depressing tone is created because the poet will never 'be the same man' after his move. The poet will no longer be the same person, he will have a different cultural identity, leaving behind is comfort zone.
                                             'Unload and move on'                               
The final stanza expresses the idea of moving on in life, the poet uses 'spokes over the long horizon' which is a sign of movement, where boats unload and move on which suggests the upcoming change. The poem ends with 'upload and move on' which is symbolic for new beginnings.

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